Move to SASS and Git Workflow

· Ricky Lee
Move to SASS and Git Workflow

Over the past two years, I have been bombarded with suggestions from other developers to implement a GIT workflow along with adopting SASS/SCSS syntax to create more elegant development workflow.

Last week I finally had reason to adopt this - @southernweb is developing a new product that will focus on the real estate industry with a JSON REST API and a WordPress plugin to implement advanced search functionality.

The need for a parent theme built with SCSS along with the ability to organize the template hierarchy and numerous get_template_part()s to have a modular child with fallbacks made the big jump a natural one.

That big jump was simply a 3-feet step. For months I thought it would be stepping off a cliff to change my workflow but with an arsenal of tools and services at the ready it was barely a punch in the stomach.

Find the time immediately to switch your workflow.